Brandon T Jennings, from the University of Utah, came and filled us in on what a community residency is all about. Thank you so much! I was shocked to learn that the experience can be (and usually is for most programs) just as clinical as as being in an inpatient setting. Community residencies definitely have their pros and cons, and it is important to understand them and know your options. All who attended learned a great deal. If you weren't able to be there, check out the slideshow that Dr. Jennings presented. The University of Utah is opening a new residency this year, and it is the first community residency that is offered there. It is expected that it will be accredited by the end of the first year (so by the time we are ready to apply to it). Be sure to utilize the resources from the end of the slideshow; they are very helpful.
Oh, and have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!