6:30 a.m. | | Registration |
7:25 a.m. | | Welcome (Kort Delost) |
7:30 a.m. | | "Moody Blues: Compounding for Emotional Health " Dean Jolley, R.Ph. and Marcia Scoville, MS CNM Owner - Jolley’s Compounding Pharmacy All For Women’s Health Clinic, SLC ACPE #: 119-000-10-057-L01-P/T (1 hr.) Objectives : Discuss hormone imbalances in women, explore treatment options for both men and women, discuss the connection of lack of hormones to mood, stress, PMS and menopause. Examine the connection of overall health with compounded hormones. |
8:30 a.m. | | "Sunburn: Baked, Steamed, or Fried? A Prevention and Treatment Update" Greg Myers, PharmD Pharmacy Manager - Intermountain Health Care ACPE #: 119-000-10-058-L01-P/T (1 hr.) Objectives : Discuss sunburn and pathogenesis, UVA, UVB, and UVC wavelengths, along with skin cancer. Examine individuals most susceptible to damaging effects of the sun. Discuss the most appropriate sunburn prevention and treatment methods. Review new FDA guidelines for labeling sun protection products. Identify common meds that cause photosensitivity reactions. |
9:30 a.m. | | B R E A K / E X H I B I T S |
10:00 a.m. | | "Eroding Barriers to Insulin." Ken Frisard, B.S., PharmD, MBA Reg. Med. Liaison - Metabolism, Sanofi-Aventis ACPE #: 119-000-10-059-L01-P/T (1 hr.) Objective:: Discuss insulin injection usage, examine the safety issues with insulin delivery, identify reasons why pens may be preferred over syringes, discuss insulin pen technology, explore how health care costs can be improved with pens, discuss reasons why insulin pens may facilitate early insulinization, and provide practical recommendations for switching to an insulin pen. |
11:00 a.m. | | "Improving Insulin Injection Therapy" Larry Hirsch, MD Vice-Pres., Global Medical Affairs, Diabetes Care ACPE #: 119-000-10-060-L01-P/T (1 hr.) Objectives: Discuss the effect BMI, sex, ethnicity and age on skin and subcutaneous thickness values among the 4 body sites (arm, thigh, abdomen and buttock) used for injection. Explore the relationship between glycemic control related to pen needle size comparing 3 sizes of pen needles, (4mm, 5mm, and 8mm) and BMI, especially at levels greater than 30. Examine how study results influence pen needle size selection for people, especially in relation to BMI and leakage. Discuss how these results may change current injection technique; and the echnique that should be used by people using 4mm, 6mm and 8mm pen needles. |
12:00 p.m. | | L U N C H / E X H I B I T S |
1:00 p.m. | | "Prescription Pain Medication: Gateway to Addiction. What We All Need to Know" Jay T. Bishoff, MD Adjunct Prof. of Urology, Univ. of Utah College of Medicine ACPE #: 119-000-10-061-L04-P/T (1 hr.) Objectives : Discuss the current pattern of over prescribing narcotic pain medication in the post operative period, identify sources of prescription narcotics in adolescent addiction, and examine different strategies to eliminate unused narcotics. |
2:00 p.m. | | "Update on the Current Management of Atrial Fibrillation" Dave Harper, PharmD Senior Regional Medical Liaison - Cardiovascular, Sanofi-Aventis ACPE #: 119-000-08-062-L01-P/T (1 hr.) Objectives : Discuss common risk factors for the development of atrial fibrillation. We will examine the relationship appropriate management options based on individual patient factors. |
3:00 p.m. | | B R E A K / E X H I B I T S |
3:30 p.m. | | "Health Care Reform and E-prescribing." Robert Popovian, PharmD, MS Sr. Director, Advocacy and Professional Relations, Pfizer, Inc . ACPE #: 119-000-10-063-L01-P/T (1 hr.) Objectives : Examine the areas of health care reform impacting practice of pharmacy, discuss the premise of e-prescribing and the advantages and disadvantages, and discuss the impact that e-prescribing will have on pharmacies. |
4:30 p.m. | | "There’s A Bad Moon Rising: Pharmacy and the Politic Climate in Utah" UPhA Political Action & Legislative Committee ACPE #: 119-000-10-064-L03-P/T (1 hr.) Objectives : Discuss the correct procedure of approaching your legislator about an issue, examine the process of how an idea can become a law, discuss where common answers to Pharmacy Questions can be found in the Practice Act, and review the latest issues affecting the profession. |
5:30 p.m. | | Turn in Paperwork and Adjourn. |
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